Séminaire spécialisé
jeudi 25 février 2016 à 11:30
Amphi G. Besse
Experimental overview on flow and correlations results with CMS
Maxime Guilbaud
RICE University – Bonner Laboratory, Houston, Texas
Particle correlation analyses are key studies to probe the hydrodynamic properties of the dense and hot matter produced in heavy ion collisions at the LHC, the so-called Quark and Gluon Plasma. The collective behavior of particles emitted after the collisions, commonly known as "flow", was extensively studied during Run-1 at the LHC in Pb-Pb collisions. Surprisingly, similar behavior was observed in smaller systems like p-p and p-Pb and triggered a novel interest for these studies. Even if the origin of these 'flow-like' effects remains uncertain, especially in p-p collisions, recent data collected by CMS provides us with more information. In this talk, the results obtained over the past years in CMS in Pb-Pb collisions will be briefly reviewed. In addition, recent results in small colliding systems will be presented. Finally, first studies that have been performed with data collected in Run-2 at the LHC with the CMS detector and plans will be discussed.