10th International Workshop on High-pT Physics in the RHIC/LHC era SUBATECH Nantes
Du 9 au 12 septembre 2014
The purpose of this workshop is to offer an opportunity for experimentalists and theoreticians to get together and discuss experimental results from RHIC and LHC - before the start of its secound run - and theoretical developments. Focus will also be given to high pT physics in pA collisions especially at the LHC energies. Emphasis will be given on discussion over a large scope : high-pT physics, jets, photons, correlations, hard scattering and hard probe phenomena.
The main topics of the workshop are :
- Nuclear modifications of the parton distribution functions
- High pT jet production in pp, pA and AA
- High pT parton propagation in matter
- Nuclear modifications of the fragmentation functions
- Correlations with leading particles
- Direct photon and heavy flavor tagging
- Heavy flavors and Quarkonia
- Multi parton interactions
The meeting is in a workshop format, with only plenary presentations and ample room for discussion between the presentations. The workshop will start on Tuesday 9th of September at SUBATECH/Mines Nantes and will end Friday 12th of September before lunch.